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University of London Features Dr. Joanne Collins-Gonsalves’s Book on Iris de Freitas Brazao

Updated: Jul 9

Dr. Joanne Collins-Gonsalves’s book Iris de Freitas Brazao, Legal Luminary and Trailblazer: Caribbean, Canada, Wales, England 1896-1989 has been featured by the University of London as one of the “three fascinating items from the collections” of 312,000 volumes within the holdings of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) Library. The book was showcased across the University of London Senate House Library’s major social media pages - LinkedIn, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), June 25-26, 2024.


Dr. Collins-Gonsalves’s book along with an academic record of Iris de Freitas Brazao were highlighted as part of a series of events to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the School of Advanced Study which was formed in 1994. The IALS post noted that “the IALS Library has grown into a nationally important legal research collection - both in the UK and internationally. With over 312,000 volumes, its collections of foreign and international law are the most extensive in the UK and contain much unique material.”


Senate House Library LinkedIn post June 26, 2024

This captivating biography published in 2023 by Dr. Joanne Collins-Gonsalves delves into the extraordinary life of Iris de Freitas Brazao, the first woman Barrister-at-Law in the Commonwealth Caribbean. Iris was a graduate of the University of Oxford and the Aberystwyth University. She was called to the Bar in 1929 at The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple in England and Iris's academic records from that institution are stored at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) Library.

 Senate House Library X (formerly Twitter) post June 25, 2024

Dr. Collins-Gonsalves noted that

“I am deeply honored that my book on Iris de Freitas Brazao was featured by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) Library. This recognition is a testament to the tremendous and meticulous research that went into creating Iris de Freitas Brazao,  Legal Luminary and Trailblazer: Caribbean, Canada, Wales, England 1896-1989. I am very pleased that Iris’s contributions to the legal community are being recognised.”

In addition to being the first female Barrister at law in the Caribbean, Iris was the first woman in British Guiana (now Guyana) to prosecute a murder trial in 1932 - sixteen (16) years before Helena Normanton led the prosecution of the first murder trial by a woman Barrister-at-Law in England in 1948. As a person of African Caribbean descent, Iris graduated from the University of Oxford, with her BA in 1925. This was 10 years before Dr. Merze Tate, the first African-American woman at the University of Oxford graduated in 1935.

 Senate House Library Instagram post June 26, 2024

The other items included in the Senate House Library’s post were “An ordinance for abolishing of festivals - 8 June 1647”, as well as the Laws and ordinances, relating especially to Heligoland from the 19th century.

Senate House Library LinkedIn post June 26, 2024

Dr. Collins-Gonsalves’s work continues to inspire and resonate with readers, making a significant impact on the field of historical research.

About the Book

Iris de Freitas Brazao has the distinction of being the first female lawyer in the Commonwealth Caribbean, having been called to the Bar in England at The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple in 1929. Born in Barbados, she spent her early years in British Guiana (now Guyana) and returned to British Guiana to serve in key groundbreaking legal posts throughout her life. Academically, Iris attended the University of Toronto briefly in 1918 before moving to Aberystwyth University in Wales, then on to the University of Oxford.

Dr. Joanne Collins-Gonsalves is an Academic Historian and holds a PhD in History. She is the Managing Director of the Historical Research International Inc., a Research Fellow, Advisor (History) and Member of the Board of Advisors of the Farquharson Institute of Public Affairs. Dr. Collins-Gonsalves serves on the Board of the Edmonton Heritage Council, the Advisory Board of the Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, and the Board of the Rotary Club of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada among other posts

Book Availability

This book is available worldwide and can be accessed via the following links, among others:

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